Friday, April 3, 2009

The Kaufman Income Tax Leadership Act

Herewith I propose the 2nd of a series of very simple laws to fix very complex problems which I immodestly call The Kaufman Acts. The law I propose would have one of two effects—the cleansing of our tax code or of Congress. Should any member of Congress have the courage and wisdom to introduce my Tax Leadership Act, even defeat of the bill would certainly lead to proposals for a much simpler income tax or the defeat of many members of Congress who have made the present tax code a piñata of favors and a Sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of their fellow citizens.

The Kaufman Income Tax Leadership Act

Whereas, the near impossibility of correctly filling out income tax forms makes lawbreakers out of millions of Americans, and

Whereas, it would be a national disgrace to have our law makers and law breakers be one and the same,

Therefore, the Congress of the United States hereby declares that every member of Congress shall fill out personally his or her income tax forms and declarations, and

Therefore, any Member omitting required information or making an error in calculation shall pay a fine of no less than $1,000.00 or twice the amount of his or her annual tax payment, whichever is larger, and

Therefore, any Member omitting required information or making an error in calculation in two subsequent years shall become ineligible to vote on any tax measure before Congress, and

Therefore, any Member omitting required information or making an error in calculation in filing any three federal tax declarations shall become ineligible to serve in the next Congress or to hold other federal office for five years.

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